A Few Things To Know About Phonosurgery For Voice Disorder

Phonosurgery is a modern, highly sophisticated and improved surgery for voice improvement. Patients with voice disorder are often advised for a phonosurgery. 

When Does A Doctor Prescribe A Phonosurgery? 

The doctors, who deal with phonosurgery, are called phonosurgeons. They work together with a voice care team in cooperation with a speech pathologist. Here are some indications when phonosurgeons suggest this surgery. 

An abnormal voice fold that can’t be treated with typical medical management or a voice therapy 

An abnormality with voice fold, which couldn’t be successfully corrected even after a trial of medical therapy and voice therapy 

A voice fold anomaly suspected to be a cancer. But phonosurgery might work only for early cancers
Apart from the above - mentioned conditions, phonosurgery for voice disorder also comes beneficial for some other conditions as well. The procedure can significantly treat and improve voice conditions of patents in collaboration with voice and medical therapies (as and when required) along with lifestyle changes. Here is a list of voice disorders that may be treated with phonosurgery. 

· Vocal Fold Polyps 

· Vocal Fold Nodules 

· Vocal Fold Cysts 

· Vocal Fold Granulomas 

· Vocal Fold Vascular Lesions 

· Vocal Fold Scarring (Within Limitations) 

· Vocal Fold Pseudocysts 

· Leukoplakia Or Vocal Fold Atypia 

· Laryngeal Initial Cancer 

What Are The Factors Determining The Success Of Phonosurgery? 

Like any type of surgery, there are certain factors that play important role to ensure success of the surgery. 

Correct diagnosis is always required – As with any medical condition and treatment plan, it is always important to diagnose the issue to ensure getting the best surgical output. Sometimes, regular diagnostic procedures might not work to ensure vocal disorders. Under such circumstances, microlaryngoscopy may be required for proper diagnose. This helps to view vocal folds clearly with the help of an operating microscope. Only the top ENT doctors and clinics in Kolkata should be contacted for the best result. 

Proper delineation of the abnormality in respect to surrounding normal areas is a must – It is also significant to evaluate the level of surrounding tissue involvement as preserving normal, healthy tissues is utmost important and critical for proper healing. It is also needed for proper restoration and/or improvement of the voice functions. 

Surgical skill is the key – Finally, the expertise and experience of the operating surgeon (s) are the key to success of a phonosurgery. 

How To Compare Phonosurgery With Other Types Of Surgery? 

The chief principles of phonosurgery are almost same as any other surgery though it comes with higher expectations in terms of precision. 

Preserving normal healthy tissues – Tissues should be taken care of properly to lower the risk of any damage to the regular structure while removing abnormal tissues. 

Proper exposure – It is crucial to have enough exposure so the tissues can be seen properly and manipulated accordingly. 

Bleeding control – Bleeding must be controlled to facilitate the dissection. 

Minimizing post-operative scarring – This must be properly taken care of. Otherwise, the scarring can be detrimental to the voice functions of the patient. 

Be it phonosurgery or rhinoplasty & cosmetic surgery in Kolkata, it is absolutely crucial that you choose the right surgeon. Otherwise, you may end up in wrong treatment which is not desired at all.


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